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Our solutions

Digital solutions designed by experts to accelerate the performance of your company

You want to

Whether manufacturer or retailer, our core business is to support you in the implementation of solutions aimed at improving the management of your data, and thus, whatever your sector of activity: consumer products, transport & logistics, out-of-home catering, health, fashion, construction materials and distribution ...

At AGENA3000, we take your satisfaction  and improving  your performance to heart. An ambition that requires knowledge of our clients' businesses and our ability to provide solutions to their needs and challenges.

Discover our PIM, EDI / B2B exchanges , TPM and ERP solutions !



Dematerialization of Invoices

Our invoice dematerialization solutions allow you as a company to meet your challenges by connecting you with your ecosystem of partners.


Electronic Data Interchange

Our trade automation solutions allow you as a business to connect with your ecosystem of partners. Thanks to these solutions, it becomes easy to optimize, secure and develop exchanges with your community of business partners.


Product Information Management

Our PIM solutions are dedicated to the management of product information, whether you are a manufacturer, a brand or a retailer. All your product informations and catalogs are centralized on a single platform and then can be shared among all your channels according to your needs.


Digitalize your product content

Our product digitisation services enable you to outsource the product content creation phase (images and data) to respond quickly to your customers' requirements and increase your e-commerce sales. 


Trade Promotion Management

The agreements concluded between manufacturers and retailers are increasingly complex. Paradoxically, they are often monitored with office automation tools that do not allow dynamic, precise and collaborative management between the various departments of the company. Equip yourself with a platform dedicated to the management and monitoring of trade agreements.


Enterprise Resource Planning

Our ERP solution is adapted to the consumer product sector. Your company must constantly adapt to the requirements of your market, integrate qualitative constraints and adapt to an omnichannel context. An agile ERP adapted to the specificities of your business is therefore the key to better manage your company, which is faced with a constantly changing environment.

We are available to advise you

Solutions that address your business challenges

  • Food

  • Construction

  • Beauty products

  • DIY

  • Fashion

  • Healthcare

  • Logistics

  • Wholesale

  • Retail

  • Food service

Our certifications

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Our expertise

A team of more than 200 experts dedicated to your service.

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Our clients

They found the solution to improve their performance, discover our customers!

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